Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I write about the kids and family and realized I should also be writing about me every now and then. Isn't that one of the hardest things to do, write about yourself? I BELIEVE it is. Which brings me to thinking about the things I BELIEVE in. Have you ever thought about the things Y O U BELIEVE in? The things I BELIEVE in are constantly on my mind among the 3 gazzillion other things I think about during my day.....and I wonder sometimes if there is something seriously wrong with me. ha!

BELIEVE - the definition......To have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so. My immediate thought when I read this, seemed a lot like FAITH. Which lead to my next thought; to TRUST. Ok, you see how my mind works?

I believe everyone has a purpose in life, some of us find it at a very young age and some of us discover it much later in life. Either way, I believe, my life is guided by what I am passionate about. My family and doing the right thing to the best of my ability. I greatly admire those who have that knack to say and do all the right thing at all the right times. I know I am harder on myself than anyone could ever be.

I BELIEVE in the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and I wish more people would feel this way.

Courage is within all of us, we prove it daily by facing difficulty, danger, pain...all without fear, all at various levels. Without courage, I would not be who I am today. I have faced many challenges in my life. Everyone has to a degree. Those challenges are also what has made it difficult for me to fully trust anyone. I do have hope though and a lot of it.

I believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Forgiveness is essential in life. Without it, your heart will fill with resentment.

I believe in balance, a balance in your life is how you make it, don't let others dictate what works for you.
I believe in God.
I believe hard work will give you great rewards in life.
Patience is not always easy and I have a breaking point.
I believe you have the right to question everything and anything regardless of the topic.
Politics are not my cup of tea.
I believe you should laugh out loud every day!
I believe good and evil can mask one another.
To be honest should not be difficult.
Everyone is accountable for their own actions.
Freedom is not FREE.

I have only touched the surface of this list, it is never ending.


amy said...

What a wonderful post! I can't wait to read more!

Oh, and I BELIEVE in YOU!

Anonymous said...

You have written something truly wonderful - and I believe in you too