What do you think of when you have Breakfast? IF you are Wyatt, you only think Oatmeal. Wyatt loves his oatmeal, just about any flavor he'll gobble up. Breakfast is not breakfast without it. I hope he continues to eat oatmeal since it is so good for you (and I love it too!)
Having Lightening McQueen (or any of his favorite cars) next to him is sure to keep him in smiles while he eats. He is growing up so fast!
Here is the video of him eating breakfast, he kept putting his feet on my knees so that is why he asked me if it tickled. Just to warn you, it is somewhat boring... :O) He realized I was recording him and decided to be goofy. After I stopped videoing him, he finished eating. It looks a little sloppy, but as he gets older, he gets more in his mouth than himself or the table/floor.
And finally, a couple pics of the flowers (and bee) in my front yard tree's.

Wow! It wasn't too long ago that the tree was covered in layers of ice!
Yes, and I neglected to add that it took FOREVER for that bee to land! He kept swarming around me, I went back and forth to each tree until he landed and with the wind blowing the branches, it was a difficult picture to take. :O)
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