Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Zoo & Celebration City Weekend
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Fun Night with Emily

Wyatt and Emily getting ready to bounce.

THey had fun for about 2 minutes.....then....
Wyatt removed the contents of his tummy
yeah, but that didn't stop him from playing on
the other inflateables. I stood guard and
shewed away kids telling them this one wasn't open
yet, but to come back soon while the guy went and
got some 'cleaning' supplies. I apologized 1,000 times!

These inflateables were bigger than they look in these pictures
or are kids are just small? It took Wyatt a while to make it over the top.

He finally made it!

Emily and Wyatt had a sword fight.

We got tattoo's

And got to play on the playground
Paula Jean was with us, we borrowed her camera for all the pictures....I don't know how she escaped getting her picture taken. Thank you Paula Jean! and Emily! We had a great time!
ANYWAY by Mother Teresa
Love them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Be good anyway.
Honesty and frankness will make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People need help but will attack you if you help them.
Help them anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.
- Mother Teresa
Friday, May 9, 2008
New Bike

So as you can tell, Miss Molly (our dog) found a mouse under some blocks I moved in the backyard (that I had her dog house on). Anyway, I was able to pick up the mouse after Miss Molly had mauled on it a few times (poor thing was half dead). I told Wyatt I was gonna go flush it, he begged me not to. So as any mommy would do, we take it out to the driveway, little burger started hopping around like he was just playing possum before. Wyatt jumped, I jumped but Wyatt's feet landed on the mouse a few times, I swished it out to the street and told Wyatt we needed to get back in side because his family would come by soon to make sure he got home (the mouse was dead with his (don't ask why I know it was a male) little feet up in the air).
We go back in the house, all I hear about is the 'mouse' and Wyatt hoping his family comes soon, he checked several times out the window "Mom, Mom, Mom, the mouse is still there, Look, Look, Come see" So I got him sidetracked as much as possible, time for a bath...but first he had to go see if the mouse was still there, yep, his family hadn't gotten him yet. I get Wyatt in the tub, run out to the street with a newspaper in hand, snatch up the mouse and throw him in our dumpster.
Wyatt gets out of the tub, what's the first thing he does, checks on the mouse. He shouts "hooray mamma, the mouse went home" Happy little 3 year old.
Friday, May 2, 2008
My Wy-Wy and Baby Girl

Thursday, May 1, 2008
A New Name ????
A. Follow the instructions to find your new name.
B. Once you have your new name, share it with others.
1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your newfirstname:
a = Chesty
b = Fantasia
c = Starr
d = Diamond
e = Montana
f = Angel
g = Sugar
h = Mimi
i = Lola
j =Kitty
k = Roxie
l = Dallas
m = Princess
n = Heidi
o = Bambi
p = Bunny
q = Brandy
r = Sugar
s = Candy
t = Raquelle
u = Sapphire
v = Cinnamon
w = Blaze
x = Trixie
y = Iris
z = Jade
2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the firsthalfof your new last name:
a = Leather
b = Dream
c = Sunny
d = Deep
e = Heaven
f = Tight
g = Shimmer
h = Velvet
i = Lusty
j = Harley
k = Passion
l = Dazzle
m = Dixon
n = Spank
o = Glitter
p = Razor
q = Meadow
r = Glitz
s = Sparkle
t = Sweet
u = Silver
v = Tickle
w = Cherry
x = Hard
y = Night
z = Amber
3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the secondhalfof your new last name:
a = hooter
b = horn
c = tower
d = fire
e = thighs
f = hips
g = side
h = jugs
i = shock
j = cocker
k = brook
l = tush
m = sizzle
n = ridge
o = kiss
p = bomb
q = cream
r = thong
s = heat
t = whip
u = cheeks
v = rock
w = hiney
x = button
y = lick
z = juice
Mine is Sapphire Sweetkiss