giving me a cheesy smile like this

being chased thru the joint and out to the parking lot and the screaming fit to get his shoes back on when it's time to leave. I have to ignore the looks people give me that are obviously thinking my son is possessed. I thought I was being a good mommy by taking him to play??? I'm not sure why I continue to take him? Once we got home, he was put in a timeout. After 5 minutes it was like he was my precious little boy again, hugging and asking me for more kisses....the remaining weekend went without injury or drama. I wonder why he is more well behaved at home than he is in public?
When you find the ansewer to that please let us all know! I deel your Mommy pain!
I think being a parent you have to be a glutton for punshment - you try to take them to do fun things and they invariable get out of hand. It's just a part of thier growing, and I guess it must be like labor: it hurts so much when you are going through it, but then you do it again having forgot how painful it was... Ah, but then you have the sweet moments too.
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