Sunday, March 29, 2009
Welcome to Our World Wesley Cole

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Gayle's Baby Shower- Wyatt

I know the date says 2007, yeah, I forgot
to set the date on my camera. LOL
A diaper cake...that's a lot of diapers.
I think it took 95 or so to make this!
Ok the date got set and here is Gayle
just a week and a half before Wesley was born.
And I can't post something without having
my little man here. (From Jan. 09)
He is doing what he loves most, playing
We went to the Discovery Center on the
Freebie day. Wyatt had a great time while
we were there. However, we only spent a couple
hours there...too much stimulation for him.
He spent a lot of time here, playing with the
water, he had fun and that's what I like to see.
He got a new bike with my Tax Refund $
It reeves up like a real motorcycle..!!! He is
just growing up too fast!
AND..... Wesley Cole Stokes was born on March 25, 2009 at 7:24 a.m., he was 7 pounds 13 ounces and 20" long. I had taken Gayle to the hospital Tuesday night around 11:00 p.m. so all of us had a very long night! We brought Baby Wesley home Friday, the 27th. Wyatt has been calling him 'Lily' since she is the first baby he was really around and talks about. It may take him a little bit to figure all this out. He loves Wesley and insists on being the Big Brother since he doesn't want to be the Uncle. I will post photos as soon as I can. Here is a link to see his Hospital Photo Shoot http://www.our365.com/ Search by WebNursery by Customer Number type in the 37231262212728. I am not sure when it will be posted, if you can't pull it up, you can call 1-800-620-8479, it's new and the lady had problems with our order. Plus I didn't ask how long they would be posted so I hope you have the chance to find them. We will be sending out the announcements as soon as we get them. Try to click here, it should pull up the photos. http://www.our365.com/NewbornPortraits/Default.aspx?SM=ByCartId&CI=37231262212728
And before I forget, I had got Wyatt the movie Home Alone a while back, he has been watching it almost everyday, since he is starting to get tired of the cartoons...anyway, I was helping Gayle with her fingernails a couple weeks ago in the bathroom. Wyatt had unknown to us, set up a trap for me.....he had put a wet wipe on the floor and a pillow to catch my fall as this trap would cause me to slip in the hallway. Before we got out of the bathroom, he had told on himself and was giggling to himself and thought that was just the funniest thing! You really had to be there as he was describing how he had set up this funny trap. He did warn us though that there may be more to come.