Here are the pics of our ICE STORM this past Monday and Tuesday.

My patio Monday Night

Front of my house on 2/13, ice on sidewalk/driveway is 1 inch thick

My poor tree and it's teeny weeny branches full of ice.

My street ICE covered. No school for 3 days
Some really nice home owners scraped the ice off the sub's entrance, A BIG hill with a BIG drop off!

A tree branch fell over Hwy CC on my way to HWY 65. I had to stop and called for someone to clear the branch. My first call was to Nixa and they said it was Ozark so I begged the man to please contact Ozark since I was driving (and I had Nixa PW in my cell) and this was certainly a road hazard no one expects to see as they are driving (I was driving like Grandma Jones) but I know other drivers really fly down the road and would certainly cause an accident. I hope he called.
I wanted to post a few other pictures, but am having some technical issues. I'll try to post them tomorrow. Most of the trees in this area of Missouri look really sad and remind me of the Ice Storm we had in January of 2007. I was lucky to only be without power for about 9 hours Monday.